My take on things

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Desparately wanting to be an expert Photographer!

          For those who don't know yet, we bought a Canon DSLR. But until now, we haven't experimented much with it. I need a refresher! I took photography lessons back in the days when SLRs and red rooms still exist (but I'm not saying they are extinct now, it's just that DSLRs took the whole landscape of digital photography by storm).

As you can see, I've placed an exclamation point in the title. That's how badly I want this. I have no valid excuse. I may feel discouraged sometimes 'cause I need a teacher. Sure, I can just browse through the web and even search for some tips at but the actual teacher-student experience is just way better. I need mentoring. Someone who'd directly tell me if the photo looks good or bad. Plus I want to learn more about using natural light sources for the photos. And also about the lights on the studio. Geez, I want so many things to learn all at once!

I also dream of having a photography studio specializing in maternity and baby photos. Pero kailangan ko karerin kasi medyo challenging daw ang pagkuha ng photos lalo na sa babies, but it's making me excited all the more! Hope it will materialize soon.

Here's some concepts of what I wanna do... I borrowed some photos in the internet as my inspiration:

Why we named her after St. John the Baptist

          June 24, exactly a year ago, we learned about our first baby's gender. The little girl inside my womb was so elated to make her appearance on the screen when we had the ultrasound that she even waved her hands at us! The doctor said, "ang likot na bata!" (what a lively baby!).

It was the feast of St. John the Baptist that day. I then recalled the story when Mama Mary visited her cousin, St. Elizabeth, and the child in her womb who moved and leaped for joy.

St. John the baptist, being one who symbolically baptized Jesus, is one of the saints I venerate the most. It is because of his influence in my life that I also offer our child to God. Not only is she a child of God but her spirit belongs to the Lord.

Thus, the name Eliza Yohan was given to our first born; Yohan being the feminine name for John.

Happy feast day, Saint John the Baptist! Thank you for being a light to the world.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Even if I'm not a Daddy's Girl

I grew up with my mom telling me stories like when I was a baby, my dad used to make me lay down in a make-shift duyan made of blanket and ropes tied on each end. She would then tell me na pagmadaling araw nababasa sila ng wiwi ko kasi nasa ibabaw ng bed nila ang duyan ko or if not, nasa tabi ako ng daddy ko and so he gets soaked up since I'm just in my lampin.

What I also can recall is whenever I have assignments about current events and politics, he's the one my mom let me call to kasi he worked in Bacolod and Cebu when we were growing up.

We would send cards for special occassions and letters if we need some things to pay for sa school. When he goes home for a two weeks vacation, mag-gegeneral cleaning kami and it feels like we have a visitor coming over.

I grew up na hindi kami close ng Daddy ko. I already know I'm not his favorite child and it wasn't a big deal. I think the only time it was an issue was nung nakauwi sya sa graduation ng ate ko when she graduated in grade school tapos sa graduation ko wala sya.

I grew up na hindi nya alam ang fears ko, my own desires, my secrets, my failures, heartaches, my own petty or sometimes kinda big problems, and even some of my own small successes.

What I know is he thinks of me as a tough person, determined and at times stubborn too. There was a time na I lived with my parents and it was a revelation to me-- seeing and knowing who he really was. Before, it seemed like he's the kind of dad who doesn't get angry that much and the one who always has a smile on his face. I don't know if it's because of his age kaya he seems to be a worrier now than before and mas madalas na siyang ma-high blood. I thought before na mommy ko ang mas nagagalit and at times tend to say harsh things, but mas matalas pala dila ng papa ko, may kasama pang gestures at facial expression.

Though it seems that what I'm writing is derogatory, for me, I'm just being honest. I do not have a perfect dad after all. But then, this is what makes him human. He may be all religious and acts holy at times, but I saw his human side.

We have had all sorts of arguments and most of the time our ideas clash. I think he even sees a contrabida in me. But inspite of all these, I will never ever dismiss nor forget the fact that he is one vital part of my life; no ordinary man I may say.

He's been a good provider to us.
He's done his best to send the 4 of us to good schools.
He's been there to help me with my assignments.
He's been my critique and he challenges me to work my butt off.
He taught me that prayers can move mountains and that faith in God will always be my saving grace.

And though I am not a Daddy's girl, I know God has selected the best dad I could ever have.

Happy Father's day Dad! I love you.

An Article on How To Lose The Baby Weight

Hey moms! Got this from (by Maui V. Reyes) as I was browsing the net and it's so informative that it deserves to be shared to you.

Take time to read on and like what I tell my other mommy friends, don't be discouraged if you don't get into your desired shape or if you don't get back to that pre-pregnancy figure you had right away. It took you 7 to 9 months to gain all the weight, give yourselves time to loose it in a healthy way too. ;D

So here's the article and some of my thoughts:

Here are five ways to help shed those post-baby pounds to get you in shape as you walk down the road of mommyhood:

1. Start moving. To call the first few days of motherhood exhausting is an understatement, as your baby demands your attention 24/7. But that doesn't mean you should lock yourself in the nursery 'til your little one learns to walk out the door.

While doctors recommend you don't do any strenuous exercise 'til six weeks post-partum (and even longer if you had a C-section), doesn't mean you can't squeeze in a light workout. Simply pushing the stroller around the neighborhood can help burn a few calories, as is going up and down the stairs. As long as you feel fine and aren't bleeding or getting light-headed, then you can keep up this simple exercise routine until your six-week check-up.

(For me, it's more on mind over matter. If you take your doctor's advice literally then it'll make you more paranoid and maybe immobile because you are scared that something wrong might happen to your body - and even add those old beliefs and superstitions. I'm not saying that you go back to your old fast moving self, but I myself can attest that a little stretching, bending, and standing at times will do no harm, but rather, it would make you feel a little better.)

2. Breastfeed. Breastfeeding exclusively can help you shed your pregnancy weight—and then some! Breastfeeding uses up to 600 calories a day, which is equivalent to running a 5k race—and you don't have to get off the couch. The best part? Not only will you be able to bond with your baby, but breastmilk helps boost your baby's immunity and brain development. Try to feed on demand and nix infant formula unless really needed.

(As they say, breastfeeding is still best not only for the baby but to mommies as well. It can really take away the weight!)

3. Don't scrimp on food. While it may be tempting to start on that new diet fad, now's not a good idea to do so. Your baby needs you in tip-top shape, and that means taking in around 1,500 calories a day (add an addition 300 if you're breastfeeding). Eat a healthy, well-balanced meal composed of super foods that are heavy in nutrients, but light on fat.

Stock up on fish like salmon and tuna, which are rich in DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid that helps in brain development. Load up on calcium-rich foods like milk and yogurt, and don't shy away from lean chicken and turkey, as these give you protein. It's also a good idea to throw away the potato chips and replace them with fruits for snacking—the water and fiber content of fruits can help keep your bowel movement regular.

(As your baby demands for breastmilk, you also feel hungry but make sure you pick the right food for you and your baby 'cause it'll benefit you both.)

4. Hydrate. A super tired new mom can't afford to be dehydrated. Make sure to drink at least 10 glasses of water a day, and even more if you're breastfeeding. Don't make the mistake of "forgetting" to drink water—your body is still going through changes (many of them hormonal), and the last thing you want is to feel light-headed, or have another case of hemorrhoids.

(Eating watery fruits will hydrate your body and make your skin look healthier too!)

5. Sleep. Sleep deprivation can make anyone stressed out—which then causes the body to release stress hormones like cortisol, that has been known to promote weight gain. Not getting enough snooze time also affects your metabolism: a study done in the US found that women who slept less than five hours a day had a harder time shedding the pregnancy weight compared to those who got seven or more.

Catch up on sleep whenever your baby takes a nap. And don't ever sacrifice sleep for a workout! You won't have the energy to exercise efficiently, and you'll only wear yourself out. Same goes for household chores: the dishes can wait. Your baby needs you now.

(During my first pregnancy, this too is what I missed the most. But I got used to it and thank God I was able to adjust and somehow know when I could get enough rest. Good thing my baby wasn't too much to handle. Hoping my second baby will be just like her sister too.)

Counting Your Blessings Multiplies Your Happiness

Instead of counting sheeps if you can't go to sleep, why not count your blessings instead?
This is what I've thought of one night when I couldn't seem to shut my thoughts to deep slumber.

I admire people who, with all the success and good things coming their way, they don't see that it was them who succeeded but that it was God who anchored them towards achieving those things. That's right, even if people say that we're living in an era where people don't give a damn and would only think for themselves, there are still those who would say, "whenever I get blessings and achievements, I think big of myself, but instead makes me realize how BIG my God is."

Waking up each day is already a big blessing. Having my work is another plus. Having a healthy family, who are safe and is well-off in a way, is already an undeniable grace. I do have worries at times but when God knocks me off my senses and makes me see things clearer, I know I am under His grace.

I have too much to thank for than to worry about, so many blessings to count and so I believe that I too have a BIG God who's beside me even when I am trying to fall asleep.