My take on things

Friday, December 30, 2011

What made it BIG this Year

 Okay, okay, so I said I’m going to be active in writing my blogs again and yet I only have five entries here. I won’t argue, but hey, give me a break.

After giving birth to Eliza Yohan, I was so focused on mothering and being a wife. We were also busy with our first small business, selling digital cameras for instalment. When that went on, we added another small business which was selling cellphone load for Smart and Globe carriers, but it only lasted for a month or so because we had to change residence down south. Not to mention our trip in search for our beloved suppliers of toys, accessories, and other general merchandise for another business venture, our Gift Shop at Bamboo House. Thank God things went on smoothly as I joggled working at night and coming home nursing a baby, attending to my husband’s needs and manning our store from time to time. Yet it wasn’t still the right time for me to sit down and have a “me time” with Microsoft Word and the keyboard. I had to report back to work after two months of hands-on nurturing to my cute little miss angel. I have to admit, though I’m getting used to it, being a wife/mom/trainer/entrepreneur is very taxing.  You see, I had two whole months of maternity leave but all I got to compose was one blog entry. I had too much in my mind going on like plans on how we could provide well for our budding family and also my husband and I had to start and put some plans into action. It’s a valid excuse, don’t you think?  Thanks to Facebook, somehow I could still relay the gist of some of my thoughts.

So while I was trying to find time to write, we had to bring our 3 month old baby then to my in-laws in Dipolog because her nanny needed to leave. It was a heart-breaker for me and Ace but we had no choice. I chose not to write it before so that I won’t be reminded of the loneliness of partially leaving our child behind and all the “baby’s firsts” moments we’ll miss. But the good part there was we had Eliza baptized before we went back to Dumaguete. Now I’m at peace and very much happy.

To keep us preoccupied, we expanded our gift shop by adding balloons and pvc card printing. Thus, Eliza’s Gift Shop was born. These are pretty fun things both of us love to do despite the extra hours of labour. In some way it made us bonded, my husband and I. That’s why instead of being sad, we considered the situation as a blessing in disguise. Perhaps God heard my thoughts and I am certain that what He wanted to say was this, “You were asking help from me on how you could start your business and have time to do it for your family, right? So here’s a solution for you. It’s not permanent; you only have to part for some time and sacrifice a bit so take advantage of the opportunities and catch the blessings. Now enough of that sad-looking face and pull yourselves together.”

 Well I’m not that good of an interpreter of God’s signs but in my heart I know. My husband feels it too so he’s like, “mind-over-matter” and “very soon we’ll never have to be apart.” I appreciate him motivating me. He was actually God’s instrument to remind me of what we should focus on. Plus “pogi” (handsome) points to my hubby!

We had a chance to visit Eliza at least every weekend and spend quality time together. The only weekend we weren’t able to see her was during the typhoon Sendong since both Visayas and Mindanao were badly affected. Good thing there’s what you call, leave of absence, we took the chance to have a 1 week leave for the holidays to be with her. Thanks to our supervisors who made it possible.

As of writing, I’m still enjoying the 5th day of my leave and I’m now able to collate some thoughts to plainly just give an excuse of why I wasn’t able to update my blog.

So that explains it. May I be excused now?

Wait, wait, wait. I just gave you the biggest happenings in my life this year! What made it big to the news, er, I mean, in my life are these events and of course being married to my one and only love.  

O by the way, before I forget, I hope you had a meaningful celebration of Christmas and may you have a great year to look forward to! Remember, we have a nonstop shower of colossal blessings; we only have to catch it, accept it and make use of it for the good because God gives it all to us, even if we don’t feel deserving of it all. That’s how much He loves us.

A prosperous & love-love-love 2012 to all! ;)

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